Donations and Sponsorship
About Donations
Your donation is a tax-deductible contribution. Click the button below to donate ln any amount. You will be taken to our PayPal donation page to complete the transaction. Your donation will help to serve the citizens of central and northern Ohio, and is greatly appreciated.
About Sponsorship
Central Ohio InfraGard is a non-profit organization that relies on the generous funding of our sponsors for operation. We encourage you to consider donating to our organization, which serves all of central and northern Ohio with valuable services that help keep our community safe.
Annual Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Level: $2,500 or more
Sponsor Benefits:
A plaque recognizing the sponsor's contribution.
A vendor table at IMA open member meetings.
The opportunity to address the IMA members at two open member meetings.
Listing in published IMA materials as a Platinum Level Sponsor.
Listing on the IMA's public website as a Platinum Level Sponsor with a link to the sponsor’s website.
Gold Level: $1,000 to $2,499
Sponsor Benefits:
A plaque recognizing the sponsor's contribution to the IMA.
A vendor table at IMA open member meetings.
Listing in published IMA materials as a Gold Level Sponsor.
Listing on the IMA's public website as a Gold Level Sponsor with a link to the sponsor’s website.
Silver Level: $250 to $999
Sponsor Benefits:
Listing in published IMA materials as a Silver Level Sponsor.
Listing on the IMA website as a Silver Level Sponsor with a link to the sponsor’s website.
Other Contributions
Anonymous, In-kind, or Other Non-cash Donations:
Any in-kind or other non-cash donations will be vetted by the IMA board prior to acceptance by the IMA.
The IMA will honor any donor’s request to remain anonymous.