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May Webinar

Ohio Cyber Reserve and FBI Cyber Update: Trends, Tips, and Lessons Learned will be presented.

Meeting Agenda

8:30 - 8:35 Welcome and Administrative

8:35 – 8:45  Introductory Remarks
FBI Special Agent in Charge William “Chris” Hoffman

8:45 - 9:30 Ohio Cyber Reserve Presented by Mark Bell, Cybersecurity Outreach Coordinator for the Adjutant General's Department.

This presentation will discuss the Ohio Cyber Reserve's volunteer force, eligibility requirements for businesses, and workforce development. The OhCR is under the command of the adjutant general, and their teams of trained civilians will be available for the governor to assist eligible municipalities with cybersecurity vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to reduce cyber threats. OhCR volunteers will also provide workforce development to train the cyber talent of the future and assist STEM teachers by providing mentors for high school cyber clubs. Finally, at the direction of the governor, the OhCR will be able to respond to cyber incidents at eligible entities.

9:30 - 9:45 Break

9:45 - 10:45 FBI Cyber Update: Trends, Tips, and Lessons Learned Presented by a Special Agent from the FBI's Columbus Resident Agency.

The FBI's Columbus Resident Agency will speak about their cyber squad's resources central and southern Ohio as well as their experiences over the past year with threats, outreach, and intrusion responses. No victim information or ongoing investigations will be specifically identified, but best practices for business of all sizes will be discussed regarding whom to call, when to report, and how best to work with law enforcement.

NOTE:  The webinar will not be recorded, and the presentation slides will not be disseminated. InfraGard membership is not required to attend; however, this is NOT a media event. 

 NOTE:  InfraGard members can forward the invitation via email to trusted interested colleagues; however, the registration link should not be posted on any public website. Connection and dial-in details will be delivered via an automatic email after registration. 

 NOTE:  Pre-registration is required, and the webinar is limited to 1,000 attendees. Questions about logistics for this particular webinar can be emailed to

March 13

Flash Announcement

July 22

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